Burren Archaeological Walk, Carran

October 26, 2024

Start: 10:15 am 

Finish: 12:15 pm

Castletown, Carran, Co. Clare

(Exact location emailed to ticket holders closer to time. )

Guided by Elaine Lynch, Clare's Field Monument Advisor, this is an archaeological walk to visit some of the monuments on a working farm in the Burren. The farm which has now been bought and maintained by the NPWS has some interesting archaeology which dates back to the Bronze Age while also giving us a glimpse into Medieval life in the Burren. We will visit some of the ancient burials this farm has to offer along with some cashels and hut sites.

The is a gentle walk but over very uneven ground. We recommend appropriate all-weather clothing and footwear. Please ensure you read the walk risk assessment before attending. You will be asked to indicate that you have read this when signing in on the day. The walk risk assessment can be viewed here.

Numbers are limited and pre-booking is essential.


Book here
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The Burrenbeo Trust is a landscape charity dedicated to connecting people and place. Our aim is to help all of us identify ways in which we care for our places.

This is carried out through providing information, education, active conservation and supporting research on the future sustainable management of the Burren region.
Burrenbeo Trust
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